Written by Nils Seebach on Digitalkaufmann.de on 2/11/2014
So Urbanara has released quarterly figures and we’ll be analysing those shortly. But first off: what has happened to their share price over the last couple of days and why is no-one writing about it? Is Urbanara already broke or are insiders selling off to get out ASAP? Were their technical problems on the Bergfürst trading platform? Here’s a screenshot of the share price graphic…
Update by Nils Seebach on Digitalkaufmann.de on 5/11/2014:
First off, I would like to thank all of my readers for their interest in my analysis of Urbanara on this blog. Secondly, I would like to offer both Urbanara and Bergfürst a forum for your comments – and not just as comments below the line, but in a blog-post.
As I wrote in the preceding piece, we were looking forward to the announcement of the next round of financing – not on Monday, but on Tuesday. But then came the comments from Bergfürst….